2023年度 第4回グローバルセミナーを開催します。
場所:iCoToBa Activity Space
スピーカー:Martin Baildon氏 (教養教育センター)
タイトル:Active Travel
概要:Do you find walking or cycling to shops, train stations, bus stops or school tiring or troublesome, particularly in unpleasant weather conditions? Would you prefer to drive? Governments and organisations globally have recently been creating policy called Active Travel, which seeks to discourage the use of cars for short trips and encourage walking and cycling for everyday activities. However, for residents in Japan and Aichi in particular, the car continues to dominate, a worrying trend considering its label as a 'super-aged' society. This seminar will highlight why walking and cycling trips in your everyday life are so important for both you personally, and for society, discussing factors which contribute to better and more sustainable environments.
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*前日までに、セミナーを視聴するためのZOOMのリンクを「Global / iCoToBa」チームの
2023年度 第4回グローバルセミナーポスター.pdf
〈問合せ先〉 iCoToBa(多言語学習センター) 内線番号:2203