「iCoToBa Special Seminar」を開催します。
場所:iCoToBa Activity Space
スピーカー:Mehrnoush Majdazari(Master's Student of the University of Tübingen )
タイトル:Liberation from Below ー A View on the Current Protests in Iran from Japan
概要:Since mid-September 2022, the people in Iran have been protesting against the system of government, demanding freedom, and the abolition of the political system of the Islamic Republic, which has existed in Iran since 1979. With regard to the protests, the presentation will not only discuss the social circumstances in Iran, but also the concept of "freedom". Furthermore, the presentation will illustrate how religion is politically instrumentalised, how systematic suppression takes place and which institutions and actors play a role in this.
iCoToBa Special Seminar ポスター .pdf
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