おろしゃ会会報 第17号その7









                                      WA phenomenon in Japanese Culture

Oxana N. Jelezniak


History of Wa

Concept of Wa accompanies Japanese civilization from the very beginning. Into the other languages Wa is translated as a harmony. There is an opinion, that Japanese devotion to Wa is connected with the formation of Japanese national religion Shinto at thе end of IV and at the beginning of V centuries, and it comes from the primitive cults of nature and ancestors. That was the first stage on the way of forming of Japanese aesthetic world perception into an integrity. Shinto worships nature beauty, paying particular attention to it’s uniqueness. [Овчинников 1971: 20].

 During a very long time, understanding Wa as a harmony being based on Shinto religion has deeply and widely penetrated into Japanese people’s life, Japanese culture, world perception, took on a big impact practically onto all spheres of Japanese society life. And today this phenomenon has a very big influence on modern Japan which has become the gigantic economical world power.


     Difference between Western and Eastern world perception  

     As it’s widely known, Western world perception is considerably different from the Eastern one. Western world perception is based on ancient Greek tradition. For example, representatives of Stoic philosophical school asserted that this world is created exceptionally for human beings needs (the same statements can also be found in Roman Cicerone speeches). This point of view came from Stoicism into the Judaic-christian tradition. Anthropocentric view was the basis for the material scientific and technological development of Christian Europe of Modern Age. Marxists also adhere anthropocentric view on the world.   

     Japanese civilization is not anthropocentric, it is cosmic. It means that the main value criteria is not a human being, but Universum and the unity of human being with it. The main checkpoints of Japanese civilization are harmony and “way” (Japanese - do, Chinese – Dao). Japanese people aim not to separate themselves from the nature, discovering in it the embodiment of principle Wa. [Чугров 2010: 90].

     Deep worship and feeling of need for a harmony played a key role in developing and using of Japanese language, in everyday etiquette of Japanese, in all numerous handicrafts and arts of Japanese culture.

     Japanese philosophy, ethics and etiquette are based on a fundamental principle, which asserts that harmony foregoes all other everything. Though it is very important to mention that notion of Wa is used by Japanese very often, but this notion is much different from the western logics, and sometimes even from the point of view of the common sense.


 WA in philosophy and aesthetics

 “Wa” is one of the fundamental concepts of Japanese philosophy and aesthetics. The meanings of hieroglyph itself are harmony, peace, accordance, serenity, sum, calm. The other meaning of Wa is “Japanese”. This hieroglyph is in the ancient name of Yamato country and it can be read as “great piece” or “great harmony”. [Фельдман-Конрад Н.И. 1977: 21]. You know, that in ancient times people called Japan Yamato-no-kuni (The country of big Wa).  

       Japanese understanding of harmony is very similar to Chinese one. Here is a phrase from the famous Chinese treatise Lun Yui: “If naturalness exceeds breeding in a person, this person looks like a villager. If breading exceeds naturalness, he looks like a scholar. Only when breeding and naturalness balance each other, a person will become a noble man”. [Лунь-Юй, VI, 16.// Древнекитайская философия., т.1, 1972: 152]. That is why Japanese people emphasize Wa and harmony so much and give them so much significance. 

     Japanese people’s aspiration for harmony was marked in the first «Constitution of 17th articles”, created by an outstanding statesman of ancient Japan Prince Shotoku Taishi (604). In one of it’s articles it is written: “Honour Wa equilibrium and don’t act contrary” [Григорьева 1993: 26]. This rule is spread not only on human being relations, but also on human beings’ relations with the Nature, Gods, and on laws of art.

     There is a big difference between East and West understanding of harmony as an aesthetic ideal. “Static symbol of West is the Zenon’s paradox about not existing of movement: impetuously flying arrow is really immovable in every infinitesimal moment of time”. Symbol of dynamics of East is a stone, which during centuries, may be during thousands of years has been lying without moving, but inside which invisible for the usual eye changes occur each second. However, it was also known in ancient Greece, in Heraclitis era: “Everything is flowing”, but later the development of the whole European thought took an absolutely different way”. [Григорьева 1992: 73-86].

     In the center of classical philosophy of Ancient East people is a process of uninterrupted development of the world and it’s mobility. Such constant mobility is so natural for east world perception, and according to that world perception only in it there is a constancy. To Japanese people’s opinion, balance and harmony are just in this uninterruptible changing of the world. The world with it’s uninterrupted mobility includes everything into itself, rejecting and excluding nothing. The idea that the world is something like a dynamic balance is tightly connected with the idea of devotion to the nature and striving for truthful reflection of the reality.

     The concrete manifestation of Wa in Japanese aesthetics is a well-known Tea Ceremony. Japanese people as well as before still have a nice feeling to a traditional Tea Ceremony, which is penetrated by Wa spirit. On your way to the Tea House, you can see stones covered with moss, an overgrown pond with lotus flowers and bright fishes. The roof of this house is also made with a harmony with the surrounded nature. It is made of haulm. It looks like there is no border between the nature and Tea House itself, because the latter is built from the wood where you can see a fanciful natural texture. From the bamboo terrace there is a beautiful view to the garden. Inside the Tea Room there is a dull paint jug with water, covered with patina, a scoop made of cut bamboo, elegant ceramic crockery with natural texture. The clothes of the people who make the ceremony are usually in soft colors. Everywhere you can feel the breath of eternity, pacification and harmony. Each Japanese like this atmosphere, which personifies Wa harmony in itself.  http://teatips.ru/index.php?act=2&id=549&dep=18].


Wa in Japanese society

       Wa is one of the fundamental principles of Japanese people value system. In Japanese society this is, from the one hand, the source of group integration and taking decisions. And, from the other hand, this is the principle that provides cooperation and mutual understanding between the people, principle, that demands tolerance, correct and friendly relations between them, principle of coordination of their purposes. 

      Japanese people used not to go into extremes, they never deny anything at the expense of something else, they never push off different opinions. Japanese people can dispute, convince each other, make mutual concessions until they come to an agreement. [Transcending stereotypes 1999: 70].

Individuals tend to common actions and group success much more than to individual actions and personal success… Cooperation is a traditional value of Japanese people. Japanese culture appreciates cooperation much higher than competition. And at the same time groups must cooperate too. 

But integration, formed by the principle Wa, mustn’t be necessarily functional and logical. On the contrary, it is often based on emotions and informal relations. From the point of view of applying Wa to mutual relations between the people in Japanese society the meaning of Wa doesn’t completely coincide with the meaning of word “harmony”. Here Wa means more striving for avoiding conflicts, confrontation and antagonism. This value is based on emotional relations between the people.  

      According to principle Wa, any decision is made on the base of unanimity. Those who took the decision unanimously got an impression that this decision is the result of free declaration of their will, but really, if to see at this attentively, this decision was taken under the pressure of group approbations. [Nakano 1995: 27-28]. Categorical imperative of principle Wa is to avoid conflicts and come to a consensus by any means. Wa is provided much due to the fact that the existence of individual in Japanese society is always thought inside the group. The individual feels his identity only when he is in a group. So, any psychological and material conflicts are decided inside the group. In order to keep Wa, all Japanese must follow and maintain a special code of ethic norms. It is worth to remember, that relations inside the group, organized according to Wa principle, base also on many other ethic principles… And at the same time principle Wa and other principles are not the imperatives. Japanese people don’t have ready methods for avoiding conflicts. Wa is rather some inner state of the person. [Чугров 2010: 87].

Recently some researchers in Japan have considered existence of Wa to be something like a myth and they doubt very much that Wa really exists. Actually, ambiguity and instability undermined harmony very much. To opinion of Russian researcher S.V. Chugrov, and, I would like to say it is very difficult not to agree with him, there is no doubt, that principle Wa, may be not so intensively as before penetrates mutual relations between Japanese people, and their relations with the nature. 

There are some facts given by Japanese scientists, that “deliberate attempts are taken to revive and intensify principle Wa”, that non-harmonic, crisis consciousness is still alian to Japanese people. [Umehara 2001: 166].

Particular and a very expressive confirmation to this fact can be found in some society opinion’s polls. For example, in one of such polls there was a question: “If you have to do a big and difficult work, what person would you prefer to have as a partner?” So only 28,1% of Japanese answered that they would prefer a talented person who is very difficult to deal with, but 68,1% preferred an ordinary person, but with a good character. 3,9% didn’t give their answer.[NHK, Poll 16].

So it’s clear, that Japanese people prefer easy to deal with and yielding partners even if they don’t have necessary talents for the common success, instead of talented and clever person but with so called “sharp” character. So in a such way they tend to maintain and keep Wa in relations, sometimes even taking a risk for their business interest. It is very important and interesting that their opinions on this problem haven’t changed during the last 35 years (from 1973 г. till 2008 г.)! Harmonious relations between the people in Japanese society is one of the stable values of Japanese society. 

Let’s take another question: “what would you do, if a strong discontent concerning labor conditions occurred in a recently formed company and you are the member of the company staff?”. In 2009 г. about 50% answered, that they would wait with a hope that everything will be arranged later. And about 25% would make a request to their boss to take necessary measures. [NHK, Poll 18].

So, as we can see, for the sake of maintaining harmony Japanese people are still ready to manifest unprecedented tolerance in situations when their interests are upset … And more over, according to statistics, the number of easy-to-deal with Japanese is increasing from year to year. [Чугров 2010: 87].

     During a long time for maintaining social order and harmony an archetypical principle chisoku ambun was used (which means “each person must know his place and must keep to the frames of his status). Only during the last two or three decades of XX century the norm of social level has begun disappearing. If in ancient Japan an individual broke principle Wa, he was usually punished: he was undertaken by ostrakizm and could even be excluded from the community, that is such a severe punishment.

      In today’s Japan, as Japanese themselves claim, a company worker, who broke a social harmony, at once feels changing the attitude of his colleagues towards him. Such a masked ostrakizm! However, it is not permitted, and every Japanese knows about it, to make delinquent person to confess in public for his mistakes, in order not “to lose the face”. There is a very popular phrase in Japan: “Don’t bother Wa!”. [Чугров 2010: 99].

      Confucious’s interpreter of the end of XIX century Nishimura Shigeki explained Confucious’s theory applying to Japan and Japanese society the following way: “Harmonious relations between the members of society are built on confidence and trust, fundamental felling of justice, and mainly on the loyal actions towards the other people”. [Yamamoto 1990: 453].


Wa in business 

      As for Wa in business, there are as a minimum two opposite points of view. 

      One point of view belongs to Boye Lafayette De Mente. In one of this scientist's books it is written  that “The same traditions (as are described above), and rules of harmony dominate in managing companies, they are the basis of striving for the attaining consensus and group approaches to resolving different problems while making business”.

I     Western businessmen, who often have to deal with their Japanese colleagues, state that maintaining Wa even in business sphere is still primary in comparing with expediency. Japanese think that partners must wait until the demands of Wa for making a bargain will be attained.

     Deep understanding of Wa significance in Japanese people life can be seen, for example, in Japanese businessmen approach to business negotiations and management. That is namely Wa that can give the answer for the question why Japanese spend so much time and money on establishing relations of cooperation with suppliers and constituency.

      Foreign businessmen, who would like to establish and adjust reliable and trustworthy relations with Japanese companies will be able to do it only if they will use every opportunity to show their understanding and high appreciation of Wa in Japanese corporative culture and in Japanese society in the whole. Having done it, they will be able notably increase their chances for success in mutual interrelations and in collaboration with the Japanese.

      For all that concrete actions for joint achieving of Harmony must be included into strategy and tactics of the company. Among the concrete measures there are: 1) wide and open exchange of information (Japanese always would like to be sure that cooperation equally advantageous for the both partners); 2) the negotiations must be “face to face” on all levels – official and social (the Japanese call it “on the grass roots”); 3) make each other favors (services), mainly, between main figures of the companies, (and also between managers of more lower level, but who are responsible for the work of the whole collective and are the substitution of higher administration); 4) conscious and well thought application of significant elements of culture into the relations with Japanese colleagues – music, literature, fine arts and handy-craft. [Boye Lafayette de Mente 1994: 2-3].

     According to the other point of view, which is supported by Japanese scientist Noboru Yoshimura and Аmerican researcher Phillip Anderson: “Very often, those who watches the work of Japanese company from outside, used to consider this work as a model of harmony. Of course it is undoubtedly that trust which employees of Japanese companies and Japanese organizations usually demonstrate between each other brings it’s positive and economical results. Japanese always strive for creating trustworthy relations between people and between companies. But, the statement, that Japanese firms and companies are harmonious only because their employees trust each other more than their Western colleagues, is not really true and is under a big question”. According to the opinion of these scientists, «harmony in corporation is more the result of organizing control mechanisms». [Yoshimura, Anderson 1997: 82].

Let’s imagine, that relations in Japanese company are harmonic. Then, according to logic, the most of employees must be satisfied with their place of work, job, colleagues, etc. However, according to the research, made in 80-th years of the XX century, there were only 15% of the people among the employees of Japanese companies who were satisfied with their job. And this is in contrast to their American colleagues. Among them there are 53% who are satisfied with their job and social position. So a question occurs.  How can it be, if trust and harmony are the main Japanese values? [Yoshimura, Anderson 1997: 82].

      The main thesis of Western scientists is based on the statement, that Japanese company as an organization looks like a clan, and everybody, who is in it, depends on a skillful social control, which is aimed on creating trust and harmony. [Ouchi 1981] или [Pascale, Athos 1981]. The scientists, who draw such analogy, have already institutionally underline, that harmony is the result of social control. Those who share such opinion emphasize the existence of harmony on individual level, and they suppose, that wide trust allow Japanese companies to function under an evident control.

So, “Those scientists, who are sure, that namely trust and consensus make Japanese company work successfully, are making a mistake. Japanese behavior is harmonic, because all members of the staff in Japanese companies keep to very well learned by them behavioral models. As soon as the Japanese has learned a defined interpretation of context, after finding himself in a proper situation, he accurately begins following a proper example behavior that he has learnt long beforehand. Deviant or deflected from the social norm behavior is severely punished by the system in which the Japanese live. The functioning of the system is aimed on avoiding social embarrassment. So harmony and control that so hardly could be seen are based on Japanese constancy and necessity to confirm themselves and others accepted in Japanese society models of  behavior. And outside watches can see namely this.” [Yoshimura, Anderson 1997: 83].

If to consider Japanese employee as a separate individual, it will be able to see that he is  seldom more trustful and harmonic than his Western colleague. And more over, if he find himself in a difficult situation, Japanese manager can even behave himself in a such way that he can shock those people who used to think that keeping harmony and maintaining trust are the essence of Japanese style of making business. 

While communicating with Japanese managers you can notice, that they emphasize the significance of harmony for them very often. But harmony is something that must be reached as the result of the work, in other words that is “something that must be in outlet”, but this is not the main axiom of Japanese behavior. As for the Japanese, they appreciate the process of work much more than the result of this work. Japanese employee absorbed the model into himself, which dictates him to think more about the process of work and be ready without any odd reminding to make the next step. Any other behavior can interrupt the continuity of the process. In “Japanese” world, the first task of any employee is to do the necessary work with the necessary way. The time of finishing work and production of high-class product “in the outlet” are the second task, not the first.

Japanese corporations employees are sincerely devoted to their clients, and clients’ service has a supreme significance for them. But this mustn’t be done to the prejudice of the working process. Context is very important for the Japanese. In case if the client asks him for something, Japanese employee will roughly break established norms and will break partner’s harmony without thinking.

Among the factors that help to keep harmony in Japanese companies it is necessary to mention the next one: Japanese employee usually considers his future career through the prism of work in one and the only company. He knows that the work at this company will be his constant place of work for the whole life, he will never leave this job, will never quit. All employees in Japanese companies know very well that in future they will have to deal with the colleagues from other offices, for example, from Tokyo office, etc. And usually employee tries to maintain harmony, because he needs to save membership in the collective of the company. If employees of Western firms can quit from the company in case of a serious conflict, such behavior and actions are not the way out for the Japanese employee. That is why, Japanese employees all together try not to break the harmony. The harmony for them is like a model, that once has been set, and which sometimes unite together different points of view. [Yoshimura, Anderson 1997: 86]. So, as soon as a conflict occurs in Japanese company, suitable balancing measures must be undertaken immediately… In fact, Japanese people more probably try to avoid conflicts, than keep the supremacy of harmony. For Japanese employee maintaining harmony Wa means the skill to get on with his colleagues at work. Within a united group, dissensions are restrained, labor process is respected, membership is supported. By following the model, that doesn’t threaten any side (or any partner), the harmony is preserved. It is necessary also to say, that here harmony is the result, but not the reason.

     And finally is the most interesting! A question “What is Wa?”, was asked Japanese company’s employees? And what were the answers! 1/3 of them said, that they don’t know what does it exactly means. Another 1/3 answered, that it is possible to attain a harmonic state, when you share something with the other people, with the people who surround you in everyday life. Such  definition of harmony is very similar to the definition of West scientists. And finally the last 1/3 expressed another opinion. They supposed, that harmony is something that they are usually made to support. Something and somebody make them support harmony. [Yoshimura, Anderson 1997: 87-88].  


Wa in language sphere

One of the important spheres where attaining Wa is especially significant is the sphere of language. Here the manner of speaking is very important. It supposes having in mind an accurate selection of words and phrases, necessary for expressing your thoughts, tone of voice etc. The Japanese are very sensitive to such things in compare with the ordinary European people, for example. West people very often use words and manners, which annoy the Japanese, the words, which don’t suppose flexible relation, aggressive manner or different kinds of non tactfulness. And what is the most interesting - West people don’t pay any attention to this.

The most problems in this sphere occur because, for example, English and other Western languages sound rude and straight for the Japanese. Whereas Japanese people used to speak «soft and vague» language. Very often West people use such expressions as «you must understand», «I know», «we know, for example, that …», «I give you my word, that …», etc. – all these words sound aggressive and annoying for the Japanese, especially if they are said in a strict and confident voice.

Only after overcoming a categoricy it will be possible to understand the way of Japanese people thinking and develop in yourself the skill how to speak with Japanese people, sincerely and without offending your interlocutor. 


Wa in politics

Striving for maintaining harmony can be often seen in speeches of Japanese politicians. For example, creating of harmonic mutual relations in East Asia is proclaimed as an aim by the leaders of the Democratic Party of Japan. In September 2009 during his visit to China prime-minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama particularly emphasized that East China Sea must turn «from the sea of discord into the sea of brotherhood». [Чугров 2010: 199].

The Japanese very often call all the people to be honest to each other. For example, Japanese thinker of XVII – XVIII centuries Ishida Baygan, while interpreting one of the pronouncements of Men-tsy, asserted that if people act in accordance with their inherent (присущей) honesty, then «harmony comes to the whole world, and people between four seas will become brothers and sisters». [Morita 1991: 167-168].



      So, there are a lot of situations and examples in Japanese people’s life where we can see the influence of principle Wa. In my report I mentioned only the most typical and bright ones. However, it is very clear that the Japanese try to establish and maintain harmonic relations everywhere. 

And at the end of my report I would like to say that feeling of harmony and sense of proportion that have been formed during centuries in Japanese people, have developed in their soul a special aesthetic responsibility, self-discipline and a very high degree of individual responsibility. And all these don’t allow Japanese people do any work badly, not aesthetically (it doesn’t matter we speak about  everyday life behavior or about relations with relatives within a family or with colleagues at work, creating the works of fine art, or production of material utilitarian things). But on the contrary, it induce Japanese remember about Beauty and strive to search it and harmony in the outward things.





In Russian

Григорьева Т.П. Дао и Логос. Встреча культур. М., 1992, С.73-86.

Григорьева  Т.П. Красотой Японии Рожденный. М., 1993.

Лунь-Юй, VI, 16.// Древнекитайская философия. т.1, М., 1972.

Овчинников В.В. Ветка Сакуры. М., 1971.

       Фельдман-Конрад Н.И. Японо-русский учебный словарь иероглифов. М., 1977.

       Чугров С.В. Япония в поисках новой идентичности. М., 2002.


In Japanese

      Morita Yoshio, Shibata Minoru. Ken’yaku seikaron-no susume. Tokyo, 1991.

      Umehara Takeshi, Yeda Masaaki. “Nihon” to yu: kuni: rekishi to ningen-no saihakken. Tokyo, 2001. 

NHK hoso bunka kenkyujyo. Nohonjin-no ishiki. www.nhk.or.jp/bunken/research/yoron/shakai/list_shakail.html


In English

      Boye Lafayette de Mente. 1994. «NTC’s dictionary of Japan’e Cultural Code Words”. Lincolnwood, Illinois, USA.

      Nakano Hideichiro. 1995. The Japanese Society// The Japanese Society. The Sociological Essays in Japanese Studies. Tokyo.

      Сf. William Ouchi. 1981. Theory Z: How American Business can meet the Japanese Challenge Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

      Richard Pascale and Anthony Athos. 1981. The art of Japanese management: Application for       American Executives, New York: Simon&Schuster.

      Transcending stereotypes 1999. Transcending Stereotypes. Discovering Japanese Culture and Education. Yarmouth (Main).

      Yoshimura N., Anderson Ph. 1997. Inside the kaisha: demystifying Japanese business behavior. USA.









    Object of research is the phenomenon of Wa in Japanese culture. In the framework of the article we attempt to show how Wa influences different spheres of  Japanese people’s life. There are a lot of aspects of life where the influence of Wa can be seen, but only a few will be considered in this article. In the beginning of it the meanings of word WA and the history of Wa in Japanese culture are described. Then Wa is considered in philosophy and aesthetics, and also Wa in Japanese society and Wa in business. The functual and pragmatic analysis is based upon ideas of outstanding scientists (orientalists), both Japanese and those of other countries.   








大学生となって上京した私は、帰省するたびに、先生が中日ビルで開催されていた日曜宗教講座を聴講し、先生が発行されていた冊子『大地』を愛読した。古希を迎えられた先生は百万遍知恩寺の法主となられ、京都に移られた。私もほとんど帰省せず、先生との連絡はいつしか途絶えてしまった。先生が亡くなられたのは、2000年の3月。昭和区西畑町にある養林寺でのご葬儀が先生との最後の再会の場となった。無念の気持ちが残った。しかし今号に登場していただいた安井亮平先生や宮崎宏一先生とは、夢ではなく現で(не во сне, а наяву ネ ヴァスネ、ア ナヤヴー)お会い出来たのである。この上ない幸せであった。まだまだお話ししたいことが沢山ある。



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「おろしゃ 会」会報 第17





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