

映画で英語学習Study English with Movies

Everyone says movies are a great way to study English, but how do you actually do that? In this class, we'll do it together. We'll watch some good movies, using the dialogues for vocabulary, listening, and even speaking practice.


実際に使えるカジュアル英語Real-Life Casual English

In this class we'll learn interesting expressions and idioms by exploring day-to-day situations, with emphasis on spoken communication. We'll focus on modern, casual expressions you won't usually find in a textbook. We'll also build vocabulary by learning how to "be our own teachers."


iCoToBa上級コース:どんな"私たち"を想像している?『多様な社会の可能性』iCoToBa Advanced Course: Diversity and the Social Imagination

All modernized societies have to think about diversity. But many challenges arise when different races, beliefs, and lifestyles exist together in the same social space. How can we imagine a single society based on difference? How do regular people accept (or reject) diversity in their society? In this advanced class, we'll investigate this question, focusing mainly on Japan but also comparing to other societies. We'll also practicing thinking and debating critically in English.


日本を英語で説明しましょう!Explain Japan in English

Japanese "culture" is contained in many elements: entertainment media, popular festivals, sightseeing spots, fashion, and even advertisements. In this class, we'll take samples from around popular culture and write short English pieces that explain them. We'll also practice translating our samples into English. Parts of this class will be conducted online, so even if you can't attend every week you can still participate.

「日本文化」は娯楽メディア、人気の祭りや観光スポット、ファッション、広告など、様々なところで見出せます。 この授業では、日本文化の面白い例を選び、それらを説明する短い英文を作成します。 コンテンツの英訳もして、軽いディスカッションも行います。授業の一部はオンラインで行うので、毎回出席できない学生でも受講できます。

県大・DMO共同プロジェクトAPU / DMO Collaborative Project

In this local action project-based learning (PBL) course, we are going to work with the Central Japan Tourism Association, and with area high school students, in order make and present tourism materials in English to appeal to international tourists. This is a great chance to improve your English skills, to gain experience working with a real DMO, and get hands-on experience with an important part of the local economy.

この地方アクションPBLコースでは、 中央日本総合観光機構とこの地方の高校と協同し、外国からの観光客向けの英語広報資料を作成します。英語のスキルを磨きながら、愛知県の実際の「観光地経営」の視点に立った、「観光地域づくり」に貢献できる機会です。

英語文章の上級パターンワークショップAdvanced Sentence Patterns Workshop

Are you stuck using the same kinds of simple sentences every time you write (or speak) in English? Would you like to be able to describe things and ideas in better detail? In this workshop, we'll go over some useful English grammar and sentence patterns that can help you in academic writing, and in general English skill. We'll do this in a casual and light-hearted setting, so there's no pressure! Just come and stretch out your sentences!


TOEICに役立つボキャブラリーUseful Vocabulary for TOEIC

One of the hardest things about TOEIC for students is large amount of new vocabulary in the questions. In this short course, we'll focus on some common words and phrases that appear in the TOEIC test, practice using them, then try out some real TOEIC problems containing those words.


広告制作応援Advertisement Writing Support

This short course will support the participants of the Collaborative Project Class in composing their advertising articles for local and regional businesses. The teacher will hold sessions with project groups to offer composition and marketing advice, and to check English grammar and style in the finished compositions.

共同プロジェクトの受講生のみのクラスです。 自分のプロジェクトについて議論した上で、先生からアイディアや書き方やマーケティングやビジネスマナーなどのアドバイスを受けることができます。文章の訂正をしてもらうこともできます。授業の日時は学生と先生の都合で決められます。

TOEICクリニックTOEIC Clinic

TOEIC is important for all students, but it's hard to get effective practice for it. This short course is a low-commitment way for students to practice the new TOEIC, and to receive personalized guidance from a native teacher. There will be no complicated drills or long homework; we'll just take sections of the TOEIC. After, the teacher will answer your questions and point out what you need to get these questions right. Japanese is okay too!


学会発表の英語プレゼンテーション講座Presentation Tune Up

Do you have an important presentation coming up? This short course will pick up important points of a successful presentation in English. We'll focus on academic presentation, but will not be field-specific. We'll talk about presentation structure, slide design and presentation techniques, and voice and body language. These 5 lessons will go a long way to making you a better presenter!

近い内にプレゼンテーションがありますか? この短期コースでは、英語プレゼンテーションに成功するための重要点を紹介します。学術発表に集中しますが、特定な分野・専門はありません。プレゼンテーション構成、スライドのデザインと見せ方、声とボディーランゲージ など練習します。たった5レッスンで、プレゼンテーションが伸びます!

iCoToBaイベントプランニングセッションiCoToBa Event Planning Sessions

This class space is for the members of the iCoToBa Supporters Club members to work on planning events at iCoToBa. The new iCoToBa coordinator (Brett) will be available to provide advice and guidance, and can introduce helpful planning strategies whenever it's needed. The course days and times will be flexible to fit the schedules of the ISC club members.


英会話:基本へ立ち返るEnglish: Back to Basics

This class features simple English skills that you probably learned, but maybe forgot. We'll review some points of basic grammar and practice asking questions to keep a conversation going. This class is a safe space for students who still aren't comfortable with English, as well as a chance for more confident speakers to brush up on the basics.

多分やった...でも忘れた。勉強したけど...やっぱり出来ない。そんな感じの英語を復習するクラスです。過去の話、道案内、頼みごと、手順を説明する、などの初級の英会話をします。このクラスは、まだ英語が苦手な人のセーフスペースであり、すでに自信があるスピーカーの基本を振り返る機会でもあります。 全学部全学科歓迎!

実際に使える大学ディスカッションスキルReal-Life Academic Discussion Skills

Are you going to study at a foreign university soon? This class is designed for students who have mastered basic English communication and want to prepare for university life abroad by learning how succeed in intelligent discussion about complex issues. We'll have skill-building lessons to teach you important discussion skills. We'll also have free discussion lessons on academic topics or current news events where you can apply your new skills. Don't wait until you're abroad to become a strong speaker and thinker!


TEDトーク:リスニングとディスカッションTED Talks: Listening and Discussion

Join the worldwide phenomenon that is TED. Each week we will watch a different talk and discuss the issues it addresses. Enhance your critical thinking skills and world awareness while practicing English listening and conversation.
