
グローバルセミナーシリーズ その2 世界を変えるには



■ グローバルセミナーシリーズ その2  世界を変えるには

開催場所愛知県立大学長久手キャンパス 小ホール

March 11th 2015 saw the second global seminar take place, in the Aichi Prefectural University Cultural Exchange Centre small hall. Forty-seven students and staff attended the lecture by Sylvia Beauchain, CEO and Founding Director of Chi-Ki Children's Charity.

Ms. Beauchain spoke of her personal desire to help others, and how that led her to establish her own charity organization. She gave information about the programs currently in place in Uganda, India and Laos, and gave many examples of different ways in which it is possible to approach problems creatively and use what is available to make change happen. Students saw several small videos illustrating the work the charity does in different communities, and had a chance at the end of the presentation to question Ms. Beauchain about her experiences. The lecture was conducted entirely in English.

Many students remarked that they found the lecture very inspirational and it was a great jumping-off point for individuals who want to reach out to the world in some way but have no clear idea of where to start.

The third global seminar will take place on Monday June 22nd at the same time and place. The guest speaker will be Erin Sakakibara of HOPE International Development Agency. All are welcome to attend.
